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27 July 2009

Musings (?)

I guess if you have a blog, you gotta philosiphize at least once in a while... Here goes!

On 'simple design':
"Good simple is not so simple"

On sketching:
"Draw fast. But draw slow."

I'll try not to do this too much.

26 July 2009

The Great Outdoors

Around this time last summer, my wife and I took a week long road trip through Oregon. It was a wonderful week with many scenic moments and great times with friends. Among our various stops was Crater Lake, which I depicted in this poster.

As you may know, Crater Lake formed when a volcano errupted and created a big hole in the ground. (this is the layman's explanation). The small island (Wizard Island) in the middle is what remains of the mountain's top. Over time, the hole filled with water and became a lake. As such, there are no tributaries feeding into or flowing out. This means the water is very still, making it serene and reflective. It's a beautiful place.

21 July 2009

Exotic Places

This poster was done for a client who travelled to Iguazu Falls in Argentina. The image is based on a photo that was taken on the trip.

In my research, I learned a bit about all the different critters that hang out in the rain forrest. The featured included a beetle, a butterfly, a humming bird, a tucan and a coati. What's a coati? Think racoon crossed with monkey.

18 July 2009

It's time to get down to business... cards.

I'm working on some exciting projects that have come up recently! Things are going well, and I hope to have some new graphics and designs to post soon.

That being the case, it seemed like a good idea to actually order some business cards. And, of course I had to design it too. Here's an image of the front. Maybe I'll have reason to give you one...

15 July 2009

Autumn in New York

My wife and I travelled to New York City for our first Anniversary. It was a great trip- and one of the definite highlights was dining at Mario Batali's flagship restaurant- Babbo!

We framed the print and it now hangs in our kitchen.

A Recent Poster

This is a recent piece that was done recently for a couple who honeymooned in Paris. The treats featured are Macarons, (which they loved) and are delicious! (When done right).

A plug for Masse's in Berkeley, which makes good ones.