Around the age of five, I remember watching my uncle sketch the outstretched wings of an eagle pictured in a natural-science book I had. At six, I mixed red paint and orange paint, and yellow, green, blue, and violet. I was rather confused at the resulting brown goop for it bore no resemblance to the spectrum of light I had just learned about. These and the ensuing years of pencil, paint and paper were my first exposures to art.
A second period of my ventures would start during the adolescent years. There was Ms. Miller's studio art class which produced a big shoe and a yellow submarine, among other things. (Perhaps more on that later). And then came my time at Berkeley. I vividly recall the first day of class. It must have been something silly I said because as I finished my question, my professor spit out his coffee in violent laughter. There were also the less humorous and intensely focused long hours of work, debate, training, and critique in the architecture studio. Though, actually, it was funny in the studios too.
But I digress. All of this has brought us to the present day. The next phase in this journey? And you're catching glimpses of it; a busy place where art and life are being created. And for me, a place where art and life are evermore connected. It's the way I see it, anyway. It's the Third Workshop.

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